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Thursday, 03 March 2016 00:00

Pokemon players can get three legendary Pokemon totally free Featured

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Pokemon players can get three legendary Pokemon totally free


Can you catch them all though?

Pokemon players can get special access to three legendary Pokemon simply by accessing their Pokemon bank. Anyone who does so between March 4th and Halloween October 31st will get three legendary versions of Regirock, Regice and Registeel. Each one will be level 50 and include special abilities otherwise not available if you caught them in the while. In order to get them, you'll need to link Pokemon X & Y with either Omega or Alpha after going into the bank. You'll get all three one at a time but only once. Check them out below. 

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Mike Boccher

Michael is the Editor in Chief of 1080Players as well as the Host of our Radio Show. He is married with three children thanks to his beautiful wife, who for some reason is cool with him talking about video games as much of his free time as he can. With over 30 years of gaming experience, Michael has a vast working knowledge of the video games business and their development.

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