Dreadbit and Ripstone Publishing announced today that their steampunk mech combat game; Ironcast will be launching on PS4 & Xbox One during the first week of March. The game will hit digital shelves on 1st & 2nd March for PS4, dependent on region, and worldwide for Xbox One players on March 4th.
Ironcast is set in an alternative Victorian history; where refined men and women commanded gigantic mechanised war machines, laying waste to enemies of the British Empire. As Commanders of the Consortium of Merit, players take control of their own 7 metre tall walking Ironcast. Gamers must face off against an invading force of enemy Ironcast in order to defend 1880's Victorian England. Battles are fought by generating resource nodes which in turn drive the Ironcast's various weapons and systems. Players must choose how to spend these nodes wisely, either offensively in order to cripple and destroy their opponents, or defensively, if they suspect a barrage of incoming weapon fire is due.
No price is available yet but we will let you know as soon as we hear.