Trion Worlds brought Defiance to the Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2013, making it one of the first MMOs to come to consoles. Some initial bugs were ironed out rather quickly and the game flowed well amidst the many users that were logged in. Voice chat functioned well with players in either your area in game or party chat and the overall system of upgrading weapons and vendor reputation made the task not as tedious as most MMOs.
Last year, when Defiance initially went free to play we spoke with Trion Worlds who had reaffirmed their desire to eventually bring the game to the PS4 and Xbox One. This changed yesterday when we attempted to follow up after not hearing anything regarding its port to current gen. In an email response, PR representatives confirmed that "There are no plans to bring Defiance to either Xbox One or PS4 at this time". This is a change from last year and no information could be provided further for its cancellation.
Still on the Xbox 360, PS3 as well as PC, Defiance is set hand in hand with the TV show on SyFy. Episodes of the show reflect what happens in the game and vice versa and players need to both play and watch the show to be fully immersed in the experience. If you haven't tried Defiance yet, it's worth a pick up with plenty of options for both the hardcore and casual MMO player.