Eurovideo has announced that their new tactical based RPG The Dwarves will be debuting its premiere gameplay footage at Gamescom in Germany. The game features a new combat system deemed "Crowd Combat" which is physics based. The enemies in the game will gravitate toward the action and fight where they are needed. The physics will allow for all characters and their interactions to impact each other. For example, one hit from a enemy dwarf may knock you back into somone on your team. This hit will in turn throw them off balance causing them to be hit as well or even fall to their death.
Your character, Tungdil, is a dwarf who grew up amongst humans and gathers 12 friends during the course of the game's story line. You will progress over various battlefields and missions by choosing only four of your 12 mates to assist you. Each one will of course have their own back story and abilities, so strategy will be key in planning for success. With only four characters able to be used at once, you must succeed against hundreds of enemies simultaneously in brutal battles consisting of timing, strategy and teamwork. The Dwarves is set to make its world debut at Gamescom in a couple weeks and is set to be released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC