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Saturday, 02 January 2016 00:00

What is Razer teasing on Wednesday with countdown site? Featured

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What is Razer teasing on Wednesday with countdown site?


Razer products, a company for gamers by gamers, has teased a new reveal for Wednesday morning at 9am eastern. A new countdown site has emerged teasing some sort of new accessory or hardware but we have no clue what it is at the moment. There has been no rumors surfacing lately so this is, in essence, a total surprise.  

Hopefully we'll hear more about this before Wednesday, but if not we'll have all the news Wednesday morning as soon as it's out.

Check out the site here.

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Mike Boccher

Michael is the Editor in Chief of 1080Players as well as the Host of our Radio Show. He is married with three children thanks to his beautiful wife, who for some reason is cool with him talking about video games as much of his free time as he can. With over 30 years of gaming experience, Michael has a vast working knowledge of the video games business and their development.

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